Thursday, September 2, 2010


Although it has occurred to me in the past, i realized once again today, on my way to REI (i bought a sweet pull over with built in boxing gloves), a lot of things about people who live here. First off, what is it with humidity equaling poor driving skills? I mean there is always someone on the road who pisses you off but when its 15 cars forming a blockade on the highway specifically to fuck up your driving game plan it makes you want to go twisted metal on their asses. Second, do you ever get those people who just stare at you awkwardly? Its even more awkward when you catch them in the act and they look away then they start staring again. That's right Jeremy, you chimp fucking little bastard, everybody knows what you are! Third, i haven't looked at it until today, but who the hell do these triple j group think they are? More like triple gay group. It wouldn't surprise me the least bit if their mass suicide (and its going to happen) consisted of everyone butt fucking each other until everybody tasted the syphilis eating away at their brains until all of them being considered brain dead and their families hate them enough to just say to pull the god damn plug. Yeah, that just happened. Suck it and Bazzinga.

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